Property taxes are deferred for active reservists. You can request appointments by calling 330-643-2641 or visiting our website at
Secure and Simple: Summit County Tax Payment Portal
There are several convenient ways for homeowners to make payments at summit county auditor.
By mail: Mail-in payments must be posted in the United States by February 25, 2022, to avoid the statutory 10% late payment penalty. A private accountant does not have the right to set the payment date.
Online or over the phone: Invoices can be paid online or over the phone using a secure payment system provided by ACI Payments, Inc. Taxpayers must have their order number ready. ACI Payments, Inc. charges a small debit or credit card service fee or a $1 fee when paying by electronic check. To pay your taxes online or over the phone, go to
Drop Box Location: For your convenience, taxpayers may submit their tax payments through the drop box located on the fourth floor of the Ohio Building at 175 S. Main St. in downtown Akron. Please note that the drop box is only available during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5 pm. Any payment made through the drop box that results in an overage will be credited to the next tax invoice.
For banks participating in the regional tax collection system: A list of participating banks appears on the tax notice. Please note that the bank branch must be in Summit County. Not all participating banks accept cash payments, but our office does. Accessibility questions should be directed to the bank directly.